Since January 2023 we, at Two cents, have a new partnership with Ogilvy Healthcare Brussels where one person of our team is (partially) staffed at Ogilvy Healthcare Brussels to develop communication campaigns towards healthcare & pharmaceutical brands. Offering PR & content creation opportunities as welll.
60 years of Batibouw and 20 years of Two cents being their press partner! From Thursday February 21 to Sunday February 3, Two cents invites more than 300 journalists to visit Batibouw. Tv, radio, magazines, newspapers, professional and general press from all over Belgium: everyone will be present at the biggest construction and renovation fair
With a very strong experience of 330 years, Husqvarna is synonym of innovation in terms of forest, parks and gardens. In 2019, Two cents and Husqvarna have decided to work together, especially for media relations actions, press trips and influencers actions. Two cents has the mission to strengthen the visibility of the Husqvarna brand, and