Thursday, 14 April 2022 / Published in News, News – PR
We organized a very successful press conference on the opening day of the Holiday Fair. Both the specialised and the general press came to the fair and provided the event with great coverage!
Friday, 11 March 2022 / Published in News, News – PR
For the Renovatiedag, which takes place in May 2022, we created a modernised logo and visual identity. But we also took a deep dive and defined the personas for the main target groups: end consumers with a renovation project and participating architects. The communication messages were then adjusted to fit the needs of each persona.
Monday, 21 February 2022 / Published in News, News – PR
Since this year we are proud to be a member of the ACC, Association of Communication Companies. We have already had a first taste of their dynamic way of working: participating in a first work meeting, gathering knowledge in one of the many trainings offered and gaining new insights on hot topics from our sector.
Logo of the Brussels fire brigade
Thursday, 03 February 2022 / Published in News, News – PR
The Fire Brigade of Brussels and Two Cents joined forces to start up some influencer marketing campaigns. Thanks to our expertise we developed a prevention campaign on fire safety during the holidays where some influencers pointed out the risks during the end of the year celebrations such as fire danger and CO intoxication. Further on
Last Sunday the sixth edition of the Journée de la Rénovation was held. We registered 1.800 visitors thanks to smart digital, radio and magazine campaigns, combined with attractive contests and an investment in press relations, resulting in numerous articles on the presented projects. A real 360° communication campaign by our team, which led to a
Thursday, 25 June 2020 / Published in News, News – Social Media Management
Even in this coronavirus period, we are not sitting still, and neither are our clients. Schneider Electric Belgium has been a satisfied client for many years for our PR, digital marketing and media buying services. After some internal shifts, they decided to also entrust to us the social media management of their Facebook, LinkedIn and
Tuesday, 09 June 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
The Italian company CLS iMation launches itself on the Belgian market, and we are assisting them! CLS iMation is specialised in the automatisation and digitalisation of maintenance processes. Now it expands its activities to Belgium, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Thanks to our membership of the international PR network PRGN, we participate in a
Thursday, 28 May 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
Good news: the German company HUF HAUS, specialised in prefabricated houses, entrusts us with their press relations! HUF HAUS has flourished all over the world, with its refined design, big glass surfaces and wooden construction. Since 2019, it is present on the Belgian market. We will use all our expertise to increase the visibility of
Thursday, 30 April 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
Even in times of Corona there is good news. Two cents has started a brand new cooperation with BVA Auctions, partner of our client Troostwijk and part of the international group TBAuctions. The online auction platform BVA Auctions is working at full force, thanks to safe at home delivery service and a substantial offer for
Thursday, 12 March 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
For its 61th edition, the country’s biggest construction and renovation fair again made use of the services of Two cents. We took care of a professional communication with the press, from the organisation of the exclusive avant-première to writing several press releases. In this way audiovisual media, newspapers and magazines had plenty of material to
Monday, 09 March 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
Like every year during Batibouw, we organised our press event ‘Building Together’, which took place on Wednesday 4 March. Together with journalists, clients and of course Two cents, this edition was one to remember. During the afternoon, the press discovered our clients’ newest products in an interactive way. In the evening, we all gathered in
Monday, 17 February 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
New CEO Schneider Electric Belgium in the press. Since 2014 we manage the press relations of the Belgian department of Schneider Electric. In this light we organised an exclusive meeting between David Orgaz d’Hollander, the new CEO of Schneider Electric Belgium, and the editorial office of the financial newspaper L’Echo. We also took care of
Tuesday, 04 February 2020 / Published in News, News – PR
The Brussels’ Holiday Fair is coming quickly! Last week, we invited journalists to the fair’s press conference, organized this year at the Embassy of Cuba, country in the spotlight for this 62nd edition. A unique occasion for them to discover what’s new for this edition and the latest trends of the sector.
Monday, 16 December 2019 / Published in News, News – PR
On Tuesday December 10, no less than 75 people attended the annual Batibouw press conference. The organisers presented the renewed concept of the fair in the magnificent Ambassador hall of Hall 10 of the Heysel. Two cents will again take care of press relations for the fair, which will be held from Saturday February 29
Thursday, 12 December 2019 / Published in News, News – Media Planning
For the 71th edition of the international agricultural fair Agribex, organiser Fedagrim once again entrusted the media buying of the fair to Two cents. Promotion for the exhibition, which took place from 3rd to 8th December, was made in more than thirty agricultural media in Belgium, but also in France and in the Netherlands. The
Monday, 09 December 2019 / Published in News, News – PR
FISA trusted Two cents to carry out its press relations for the fall edition of the “Salon de l’Alimentation”. Both the ‘traditional’ press and bloggers & influencers were present, to visit exhibitors and/or to participate in culinary workshops. No less than 60,185 people visited the fair, a great success!
Friday, 29 November 2019 / Published in News, News – PR
COCOON, the largest home and interior fair of Belgium, celebrated its 30th anniversary and didn’t let this go unnoticed. A unique collaboration with interior magazine vtwonen led to a successful premiere. Thanks to Two cents COCOON enjoyed a lot of media exposure. With no less than 31.913 visitors, COCOON can look back at a great anniversary
Friday, 15 November 2019 / Published in News, News – Media Planning
This year, FISA made use of Two cents’ services for a chance to be selected as an advertiser with the VAR. As such, FISA has gained access to the popular advertising space of the TV-channels één and Canvas. Two cents was responsible for the smooth handling of FISA’s application. Alongside forty other advertisers, FISA has now opened the doors of this closed circle and becomes a partner
Tuesday, 29 October 2019 / Published in News, News – PR
On the 16th and 17th of October, Hansgrohe organized a presstrip to its stomping ground in the Black Forest. Two cents was entrusted with the copywriting and media relations. Together with the journalists, we visited the factory at Schiltach, were the luxury brand AXOR is produced as well, and at Offenburg, Hansgrohe’s largest faucet and
It’s that time of year again! We have been looking forward to it the whole year, worked hard for these few days of pleasure… No, not Christmas but Mobicar, the expo for caravans, campers and accessories at Brussels Expo. From the creation and planning of radio and tv spots, connecting influencers with the fair and