Brand Activation

Brand activation: a real consumer experience

Consumers have an ever-increasing choice of comparable products and services. Moreover, pros and cons can be easily checked. That’s why it is more important than ever to bring attention to the unique character of your product or service. We create interaction between the consumer and your brand, by launching creative, original actions and real experiences. We integrate different communication tools and lead the consumer to concrete action.

Interaction with the consumer

Brand activation helps you build the identity of your brand in a unique fashion. By offering a real experience, you create interaction with the consumer. With live experiences and a physical contact moment, you build a new relationship, you impress the consumer and distinguish yourself from other companies offering comparable products or services. A successful brand activation lingers in the mind of the consumer, and defines their feeling about your brand or service.

A fitting creative concept

Brand activation can take many forms, but the success of the action depends mainly on a strong insight into the motivations, interests and needs of your target audience. Our creative concept is based on a clear strategy, perfectly adapted to the core of your brand.

Optimal mix of media

We let your target audience experience your brand through different communication channels. Everything starts with a live interaction at the perfect time and location. But you often also need a specific website or landing page to group all information. Your social media are very important as well to increase your audience. For bigger campaigns, we can make use of our expertise with radio and tv ads. A mix of off- and online tools improves the interaction with your audience, increases the success of the campaign and lengthens the buzz surrounding your action.

Results-orientated call-to-action

During and after the brand activation it is of paramount importance to stimulate the consumer to share his or her experiences with the product. Through a precise call-to-action, you can easily measure the ROI of your action. The brand activation will increase awareness of your brand or stimulate sales, based on clear, pre-defined goals.

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