On Friday 2 March, Doctors Without Borders will install a mobile unit of war surgery on the Place Rogier in Brussels. The containers will be uninstalled within a few days, just like in a drill. With remarkable consideration for this organization, we are more than happy to help them to invite and receive various media.
Two cents is proud to announce that we participated in the mediatization of the study presented during the yearly congress of the Belgian Society of Cardiology regarding the increase of heart attack due to atmospheric pollution. The press conference organized on 8 February 2018 has also helped to promote the launch of the Belgian Heart
Two cents: Officially Google Partner! As many people may know, our Google Adwords passion started a few years ago. Our field experience and or knowledge helped us to develop our digital department and associated services for our clients. We benefited from a Google training to “officialise our relationship”, becoming a Google Partner. At the same