Two cents sponsors the media relations of the new non-profit making association Plateforme Prévention Cambriolages/Inbraak Preventie Platform. This new platform wishes to inform Belgians about risks and consequences of burglary. For this purpose, the association launches, on a biennial basis, a national survey in partnership with iVOX, focused on a diverse angle connected with burglary prevention. It helps to better understand how Belgians deal with home security. Furthermore, it provides a tool to adapt to the topical interest. Two cents is the main sponsor of this initiative and is in charge all the communication. Besides media relations, Two cents will also handle social media and events for the association.
Two cents Belux
Avenue Auguste Reyers 207, box 4
1030 Brussels
+32 476 50 26 90
Two cents Netherlands
Leenhoflaan 17
5282 PW Boxtel
+32 494 58 53 13